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Скачать бесплатно EMCO Malware Destroyer
  31.07.2012, 23:49
EMCO Malware Destroyer - мощнейшая программа для обнаружения и удаления различных вредоносных кодов. Разрабатывается она компанией EMCO. EMCO Malware Destroyer умеет распознавать и удалять более 9000 так называемых adware-угроз, а также вирусов-троянов, вирусов-червей, шпионских модулей и дозвнощиков (dialers).
Кроме того, утилита включает в себя модуль для удаления рекламных и шпионских тулбаров из браузера Internet Explorer (Alexa Toolbar, HotBar, Smiley Central и Gator). В результате своей работы программа сканирует систему и выводит список найденных вредоносных программ, которые можно удалить. Процесс проверки проходит быстро, не очень сильно нагружая ресурсы системы. Для удобства и своевременного обновления, в утилиту встроен специальный модуль, позволяющий обновлять антишпионскую базу программы через интернет.

Malware Destroyer is a unique malware removal tool with a new and faster scanning engine! EMCO Malware Destroyer performs a quick scan for more than 9000 threats malwares like, adware, trojans, worms, spyware and dialers.
In addition, the tool includes a module to remove adware and spyware toolbars from the browser Internet Explorer (Alexa Toolbar, HotBar, Smiley Central and Gator). As a result of its work, the program scans the system and displays a list of found malware that can be removed. The verification process is quick, not very much loading system resources. For convenience and timely updates to the utility built a special module that allows to update the spyware database program via the Internet.
Features of EMCO Malware Destroyer:
· Handy tool to scan and clean Virus, Warms, Trojan and Adware on your local machine.
· Single-click scans for Virus, Warms, Trojan and Aware.
· Low cost solution for personal computer security.
· Built in Virus definition database with thousands of virus definitions.
· Continuously growing database of virus definitions.
· Users can request the addition of a particular virus to the virus definition database.
· Progress indicator.
· Fast and silent execution of virus scan and clean process
· Built-in virus removal tools for most common Adware and Spyware.
· Custom user logon option.
· Built-in live update option to download updated virus definitions from EMCO website.
· The main features of EMCO Malware Bouncer are described below:
· Clean Worm, Virus, Adware, Trojan EMCO Malware Bouncer can scan and clean a machine infected by different Worm, Virus, Adware, Trojan.
· One click scan of all machines EMCO Malware Bouncer provides one click scan and clean option. So, you can scan and clean you machine with just a single click.
· Built in Virus definition database. EMCO Malware Bouncer comes with a built-in versatile database that is continuously growing with the discovery of new viruses.
· User can request addition of specific virus definitions. EMCO Malware Bouncer enables users to request EMCO Software to add a particular virus to the virus definition database, and that virus definition is added on the same day.
· Low cost solution for system security It s a low cost solution in the sense that no special skill is required to scan and clean a machine, it is so simple that you can make your PC Malware free by yourself. You don t need to hire and pay a system security expert any more.
· Built-in virus removal tools EMCO Malware Bouncer comes up with built-in virus removal tools for most common Adware and Spyware.
· Progress indicator EMCO Malware Bouncer has progress indicator to show the scan and clean progress on your machine.
· Built in live update EMCO Malware Bouncer has a built-in live update option to download updated virus definitions or software updates from EMCO website.

Язык интерфейса: Английский
Тип распространения: FreeWare
Лекарство : не требуется
Платформа: Windows ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7
Размер: 50.87 Mб


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